Sketches of modified Ford Model T ambulances showing where stretchers could be mounted.

Helping others to help themselves.

TLJ Enterprises

Related Links

There are many sites dealing with World War I and early combat aviation. Some describe the Lafayette Escadrille or some of its more famous members. A discriminating researcher will discover wide variances in these accounts. Happy surfing!

World War I Aviation

A pictorial history of WW I aviation maintained by the History Channel.

USAF Museum

The USAF Museum at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio contains an impressive collection of items from the Lafayette Escadrille. I visited and climbed on their Spad display until shooed off by an attendant. This is an authoritative site.

Charles Nungesser

Nungesser actually joined the Lafayette Escadrille for a short period during the war. He was supposed to be convalescing from wounds and injuries, but chose to fly with the Americans instead.

American Ambulance Service

One of the best sites that describes serving as a driver in France in 1916 with the American Ambulance Field Service.

To contact Terry Johnson:

Phone: 757-868-6708

Mobile: 757-660-6434


This is Charles Nungesser’s airplane with its distinctive black heart, skull and candles insignia.

Lafayette Escadrille

An excellent page with accurate information

World War I Centennial Commission

Site for The United States Foundation for the Commemoration of the World Wars

Over the Front

One of the premier WWI Aviation sites. The League of WWI Aviation Historians. Excellent resource.